7 Valuable Web Design Lessons You Need to Know

7 Valuable Web Design Lessons You Need to Know

Not many people know that web design is a complex discipline that can take years to master. As if not enough, it’s also a field that’s constantly evolving as technology keeps advancing. However, the importance of the right web design cannot be overstated.

Web design is considered one of the most critical elements that can make websites powerful. Website design is also one of the main factors people use to judge a company’s credibility. The right website design can impact bounce rate, conversions, and traffic.

Web Design: Seven Powerful Tips and Lessons to Keep in Mind

When designing your website, below are seven of the most important tips you should remember:

1. Make website speed a top priority.

Navigating a slow website can be very frustrating. However, a slow website is more than just a nuisance. Consider this: some research indicates that a half-second delay in loading can result in a 20% reduction in ad revenue and traffic. That said, you need to ensure your website not only looks good but functions accordingly as well.

“The importance of site speed is no longer up for debate. Google included page load speed into its ranking algorithm a few years ago. While page load speed is not considered as important as search relevance, this important factor can still affect your website’s performance,” says Lucie Chavez, CMO with Radaris.

2. Catch attention using visual cues.

Space on your website can have a powerful psychological impact as it draws the reader to important design elements on the site. You can also take advantage of intuitive visual cues, like faces, to direct your visitors to pay attention to certain parts of your website.

In addition, a high converting web copy is another great tool to drive action on your site. You can also use several copywriting strategies to significantly improve your click-through- rate (CTR) conversions. It also pays to observe minimalist principles so you don’t overwhelm your audience.

3. Keep your design simple.

A Google study found that most site visitors don’t like visual complexity. That said, you must plan your website design with your target audience in mind. Remember that your visitors have a specific purpose when they visit your website. Often, your visitors want to know more, sign up or subscribe, or make a purchase, among other things.

4. Remember Hick’s Law.

One of the most important factors behind effective website design is behavioral psychology. People have unique and specific responses to your page’s fonts, images, colors, shapes, and other visual elements.

Hick’s Law states that the more options people have, the longer it will take for them to decide. The same is true when it comes to your website design. The more options available, the longer your visitors will take to pick what they want.

You must ensure your design will evoke certain emotions in your visitors and guide them through different emotional states. You also must remember that one of the ultimate goals is influencing visitor actions and reactions.

5. Keep the Z pattern in mind.

Z pattern is an important design principle. It involves scanning the website from left to right. It can be likened to following an imaginary horizontal line. From there, it descends to the left side of the page, similar to following an imaginary horizontal line.

Lastly, it returns to the right, forming another imaginary horizontal line. The Z pattern is best for landing pages or other pages where minimal information is posted and the primary requirement is a call to action.

6. Remember the 8-second rule.

Website owners work hard to keep the attention of their visitors and must think about the 8-second rule when designing their websites.

Some studies reveal that you only have 8 seconds to grab a visitor’s attention. That’s a very small window of opportunity to capture their attention and get them to engage with you. Below are other ways you can grab your visitor’s attention in just a few seconds and boost conversions:

  • Use prominent headlines that are brief but encapsulate the benefits of your products/service.

  • Use stunning images that convey the primary purpose of your page and draw attention to the main call to action.

  • Ensure your call to action button is simple, big, and easy to understand.

  • Use powerful words to make your offering more enticing.

7. Use social proof.

What started as some web content innovation has now evolved into an industry standard. You need to have powerful testimonials to make your website distinctive, authoritative, and trustworthy.

Testimonials, reviews, and other social proof are among the most effective ways to establish trust and authority and ensure visitors of the quality and authenticity of the products and services you offer.

Final Thoughts

Your website is more than just your digital home base. It also anchors your overall marketing approach, providing a central hub where customers can connect and engage with your business and brand. A mediocre website can jeopardize your marketing efforts and sever likely connections and engagements before they even start.

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