Burnout Is Real: Here's What I've Been Doing to Avoid It

Burnout Is Real: Here's What I've Been Doing to Avoid It

In case you didn’t know it yet, work burnout is a very real thing. I've been there from working crazy long hours and constantly stressing over my work and the responsibilities it brought with it.

These days, since we’re all working from home, it can be tough to get away from your work, which is probably affecting you even more. Plus, we’re all a little more stressed out about life, our health, our financial situation, and how we may be affected.

I’ve tried to look closely at my work-life schedule to make sure I’m living a healthy, happy life, and I just wanted to share a few tips on how I fend off any feelings of burnout.

(1) Reading

Reading is my savior. It allows me to be imaginative, takes me away from my work, pulls my attention away from technology, and just allows me to relax. It’s the perfect way to unwind and has done so much for me.

Find the type of book you enjoy, set up the perfect reading nook, and escape into a good book. It can help you find your inner zen and de-stress.

(2) Proper Sleep

It’s tough to function without receiving proper sleep and, if you miss out on a good night’s sleep on a consistent basis, then you're going to be affected by it. It can bring you down, make it tough to think clearly and increase your stress levels if you do not sleep well.

Look into holistic sleep methods and do whatever you need to in order to get a good night’s sleep on a consistent basis.

(3) Find a hobby

I’ve found a few hobbies recently to help grab my attention away from constantly working and it’s made a big difference. It doesn’t have to be much, but even a simple project like model cars, puzzles, crossword puzzles, or drawing can do it. Why not learn to play the guitar, become a video game expert, or do some woodworking.

(4) Eat and Drink Properly

I haven’t always followed what I eat and drink closely, but it’s made a big difference in keeping me at my best. Eat good food, don’t eat a ton of junk food, make sure you drink enough water and don’t only drink coffee.

Your diet is important in combating burnout and can actually make you more productive.

(5) Get dressed and do what you can to FEEL GOOD

Even if you’re working from home, I think it’s important to get ready in the morning as if you are heading to the office. I make sure to shower, shave, and put on a nice outfit so I’m feeling good. I believe that if I’m feeling good, I’ll perform better.

Too many people decide to sleep in longer and skip their morning routine when working from home, but this is not a good habit. You’ll feel undone, sluggish, and it will affect how you feel (which will affect how you work).

These tips are not ground-breaking, but they are all important. Look after yourself and you’ll be helping yourself feel better and avoid feeling burnt out. What do you do to make sure you’re at your best and to avoid burnout? I would love to hear in the comments!

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