The Importance of Enabling Comments on a Blog

The Importance of Enabling Comments on a Blog

A successful blog is every blog owners’ desire. It can help you attract customers, increase engagement on your website, and so much more. Olivia Tan, the co-founder at CocoFax, knows that a blog can become a major marketing tool for companies if it’s done correctly.

“A blog is your chance to show the expertise you have as a company through the text you publish,” she said. “It’s also a chance for you to show off your success stories, the advancements you have made to your services, and what you can offer the publish. A blog can be so effective, even in 2021.”

There are several things that a blog owner should be concerned about, including:

  • Comments – the ability (or inability) to comment on the blog posts.

  • User Interaction – making pages and articles shareable, likable, and more.

  • Blog’s Appearance – how it looks and feels.

  • Blog Niche – what is your blog about?

  • SEO – your site’s authority and the ability to rank on Google.

  • Blog Audience – who your readers are and what they want to read.

The above-mentioned things could be defined as the essentials of a successful blog and, without these, the blog will be like an imbalanced diet. However, among all above these, blog owners mostly pay attention to blog appearance, blog niche, user interaction, and SEO. They do not put much thought into the comment section and this is why blog owners miss out on a crucial part of the blogging process.

This article will cover up why you need to enable comments on a blog and what could come from disabling all commenting options.

Importance of Blog Comments

Blog comments are a great way for blog visitors to express their ideas, give suggestions, and carry out discussions with others.

Comments can connect the users and the blog owner in a way that builds relationships and creates ideas. When you enable blog comments, user interaction automatically increases because users love to express their personal ideas and suggestions with others. They feel comfortable when they have a place to gain knowledge and to carry out discussions. Comments also give blog owners the chance to improve their blog by analyzing comments of those people who visit their website. Disabling comments on a blog is definitely a missed opportunity because you will find it hard to improve user interaction and expand your blog audience without comments.

All the other main things to be concerned about when creating a successful blog are nothing without comments.

However, blog owners who know the importance of blog comments have always allowed comments and have benefited from them. Experts say that enabling comments gained them lots of benefits and it was one of the best decisions they ever made.

How to Create a Comments Section for a Blog

When you have decided to enable comments in your blog, it is wise to know well how to create a comments section for your blog. It is just simple but need to be careful. First of all, you need to choose the right commenting plugin. If you are using WordPress or anything which has its native comments, I suggest you to choose a third party commenting plugin instead of native comments. It is because third party commenting plugins are beneficial rather than native comments. When you choose a commenting plugin, consider the following.

  • Attractive comment box 

  • Ability to customize the comment section

  • Users ease in commenting

  • Comments moderation

Apart from the above mentioned things, you can add your own needs as parameters of choosing a good commenting plugin. But, remember your blog users are the most important ones. So, when choosing a good commenting plugin, you have two views: the blog owner’s view and the user’s view. 

After choosing a good commenting plugin, install it on your blog and work with comments carefully. You will notice that your blog has a big audience as well as increased user interaction. Not only that, the SEO of your blog will be increased. See how enabling comments are important for your blog?

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